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1756 River Rat Boats On Boatcrazy

Havoc Boats is a family-owned business that has been building top-quality aluminum boats for over 20 years.

Founded by Tim and Ashley Havoc, the company has earned a reputation for performance and durability. Havoc Boats offers a wide range of models, for fishing and hunting, from flat bottom jet boats to duck hunting boats. Each one is designed and built with the utmost care and attention to detail.

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1756 River Rat Boats Frequently Asked Questions

Havoc boats are a very affordable choice for fishing boats and are in the low to mid-price range. You can view a wide selection of Havoc boats on Boatcrazy from $5,499 to $29,999.

Havoc builds strong and durable high-quality aluminum fishing and hunting boats, from flat-bottom jet boats to duck-hunting boats. With plenty of storage and great fishability, they also offer a smooth ride in open choppy waters.

Models to choose from are Hunting boats, Mud Motor, Flat-bottom/jet boats, and fishing boats.

Havoc boats are a good choice for beginners and experienced anglers as they are very versatile, reliable, and affordable. Great for all water activities such as; day cruising, freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing with sport fishing, and Fish & Ski models.